Booking and cancellation policy

Booking appointments

Search for available appointments by specialty, service or specialist in our online booking and book what’s most convenient for you. Not all specialists have their appointments listed online, so in case you have trouble finding one suitable for you please give us a call 09 1620 570. You can also book appointments on the phone.

NB! For surgeries that require anesthetics or staying overnight, and for customers with HUCH Service Vouchers or Payment engagements, please book by phone 09 1620 570

Change or rebook appointments

You can manage the bookings you made through our online booking system via our new My bookings service. Sign in to the service using your bank credentials or mobile ID. When identified you can modify or cancel upcoming bookings, when there is at least 24 hours until the beginning of your appointment.

Cancelling appointments

If there is more than 24 hours until the appointment:

  • You can cancel/change your booking on the website through strong authentication in the My Bookings section.
  • You can cancel/change the appointment by phone at 09 1620 570 during the customer service hours Mon-Fri 8-16. Check opening hours here.
If there is less than 24 hours until the appointment:
  • You can cancel/change the appointment by phone at 09 1620 570 during the customer service hours Mon-Fri 8-16. Check opening hours here.
  • When the customer service is closed, you can cancel the appointment by email at (Mon-Fri 16→)
  • Cancellation by email is only allowed for acute appointments for the same evening or following day.
  • Please note that the email can only be used to cancel an upcoming appointment. We do not change or book new appointments via email messages.

NOTE! For appointments canceled less than 24 hours in advance, we reserve the right to charge a fee according to the current price list.


Canceling surgery or operation

It is free of charge to cancel as long as the surgery or operation is cancelled at the latest one week in advance. Plastic surgery operations need to be cancelled six weeks ahead of the scheduled date. Please note that cancellation must be done by phone at weekdays between 9 am till 15 pm to number 09 1620 630 or 09 1620 600.

If the cancellation has not been made according to the above instructions, Eira Hospital has the right to charge 100% of the final amount of the invoice.

In case of illness, advance payments will only be refunded against a medical certificate. Your own notification is not enough. In case of illness at other times, contact our in-patient services at 09 1620 200. If Eira Hospital has to cancel the procedure, any advance payment will be returned to the patient immediately.

Booking of follow-ups or further care

It is most convenient to book any further tests or inspections at our reception, since it assures you of how your treatment will proceed. Our personnel are happy to make the appointment for you!

How to find us

Our main unit is situated in the corner of Laivurinkatu and Tehtaankatu in Helsinki. A reception, an information desk and a cashier are to be found in Laivurinkatu 29 entrance. You are welcome to check in at the reception or at the self-service desk.

Laivurinkatu 29
Medical Centre

  • GP and specialists
  • Entrance to operations
  • Occupational health
  • Vaccinations
  • Laboratory
  • X-ray
  • Physiotherapy
  • Eye surgery unit

Tehtaankatu 28
entrance to Eira Hospital in-patient unit.

Arrival information:
Arriving from the center of Helsinki: busses 20 and 30 as well as trams 1 and 3 stop at Eiran sairaala.
It’s mostly easy to find parking spaces along the neighboring streets.



Please show up approximately 10 minutes in advance in order to check-in and get to the waiting room without a hurry.

At the service counter please be prepared to show your ID. You can check in at the reception, at the self-service desk or via SMS. If this is your first time at Eira, you will need to register at the reception.

Our service personnel will point you in the right direction to the waiting room nearest the room where your specialist will see you. In our waiting rooms we offer Wi-Fi and both hot and cold beverages for free.


The specialist will call you by your name once it is your turn to enter. It’s important that you tell the specialist everything that might be of relevance for your appointment. Please ask if there’s anything that concerns you – we at Eira are here for you!

You will get a referral for laboratory or x-ray if your state of health requires further testing or examination. Together with your specialist you will agree upon how to proceed with your treatment and how you will be notified of any findings. The specialist will hand you documents that you are to hand to our receptionists at the reception.


Payment is made at the reception/cashier after your appointment and any examinations. The KELA benefits are usually deductible in conjunction with payment. In order to receive direct KELA reimbursement, please present your valid KELA card at our cashier. In case the KELA-benefit immediately can’t be deductible, you will be given needed documents to apply for it afterwards. For some procedures we charge prepayment.

We accept debit and credit cards (Visa/Master Card/First Card, American Express and Diners Club), MobilePay, the financing service Eira Terveystili and Eira present cards. We do not accept cash.
We debit an administrative/outpatient clinic fee and Kanta-fee in connection with all appointments, surgeries, examinations and ward services. The fees are listed in our pricelist. The fees are charged only once per same visit even though it includes several medical procedures or examinations.

If you have a medical insurance, please check in advance with your insurance company to what extent it will cover your care costs.

Payment through invoice is only for telephone and video appointments, corporate customers and contract customers and customers who in advance have negotiated it. Please check the specific payments for invoicesfrom our price list. Inquiries about invoices:

Data protection

You can read our Data Protection policy in Finnish
Eiran sairaalan tietosuojaselosteet


Contact details

Eira Hospital and Medical Centre is open Mon-Thu 8-20 and Fri 8-17. Booking tel. 09 1620 570 Mon-Fri 8-16. Hospital ward 24/7 tel. 09 1620 200. Eira is located in the corner of Laivurinkatu and Tehtaankatu in Southern Helsinki.

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Eiran Terveystili - Eira's Health Account

With Eira’s Health Account, you can begin your treatment quickly and easily! You can conveniently pay in installments and choose the size of the monthly installment yourself!

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Data protection

(In Finnish) Yksityisyytesi suojaaminen on meille tärkeää. Haluamme tarjota sinulle mahdollisimman läpinäkyvää ja selkeää tietoa siitä, miten käsittelemme henkilötietoja ja siksi olemme jakaneet tietosuojaselosteet aihealueittain.

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